Reuse is both inspiring and labor intensive. People are motivated to use materials from CJ for a wide variety of reasons: historic preservation, resource conservation, saving money on home renovations, or just wanting to put a unique stamp on a project incorporating a great find – at CJ or maybe even through your own dumpster-diving efforts.
Whatever your reason, used materials often present some installation challenges and you might need a little help with your project. I recently stumbled across a blog and YouTube channel, both called The Craftsman Blog, and run by Scott Sidler. I have subscribed because he is a strong advocate for restoration, including installation tips and techniques for a lot of materials we receive at CJ every day. He has great information on restoring, repairing and installing wood sash windows (including a great DIY piece on building your own wood frame storm windows). You can find the blog here, and the YouTube channel here.
He also has great videos with tips on plastering, painting techniques and repairing old wood – all skills essential to working used building materials into your projects. So if you are thinking about a restoration project, visit Scott’s website before you come to CJ and get some helpful tips that will build your confidence incorporating CJ materials into your project!
Neither I nor CJ is connected to Scott in any way, and CJ does not benefit from the sale of his merchandise. If you have a favorite renovation blog or DIY video that has helped with a CJ renovation project, tell us about it and we will share it with our readers!
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