Greetings Reuse Fans,
Get ready to be inspired on many levels! On Monday July 17, internationally renowned Portuguese street artist Bordalo ll created a 3 D sculpture in CJ’s parking lot. His large sculptures are created entirely of discarded and used materials! They are jaw dropping pieces that immediately attract your attention.The scale and details of his work is stunning and we couldn’t be more excited to have our very own here on our building.
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Bordalo ll was invited to Pittsburgh by the organizers of a grass roots campaign called Scrap the Trap. The goal of the campaign is to convince the City of Pittsburgh to change its wildlife management policy from trapping animals to adopting strategies including education, vaccination programs, domestic animal pick-up and rescue. The group views trapping as inhumane and a waste of tax payer dollars.
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Bordalo’s creation of “trash animals” is a great fit to promote the Scrap the Trap message and an exciting new addition to the collection of animal sculptures already in residence at CJ (you know about the fish, the monkey and the duck, right?).
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To find out more about how you can support the Scrap the Trap campaign, visit the their website and Facebook page.
Reuse sends a powerful message!
Mike Gable
Executive director