Greetings Reuse Fans,
I have shared with blog readers on different occasions that CJ is a member of the Building Material Reuse Association (BMRA). This is a nationwide nonprofit organization that works to educate the public on the importance of building material reuse, and also looks to provide support for the “CJ-like” used building material reuse retailers across the country. It has also developed a deconstruction training curriculum that has been used nationwide to professionalize and create standards for the practice of deconstruction.
The first weekend in March, CJ will host a board retreat for the directors of the BMRA. This will also be the first retreat for the organization’s new executive director, Joe Connell, who managed multiple Habitat for Humanity Restores in Portland, Oregon. We are excited to host this group that is committed to elevating used building materials operations across the country! The BMRA has an informative electronic monthly newsletter for members. As we work to grow our free Deconstruction services, CJ staff will be participating in the BMRA’s annual Decon + Reuse Conference in Grand Rapids, MI in September 2018.
CJ is committed to promoting reuse nationwide, but we are only as strong as our local commitment to reuse, so stop by this weekend to drop off your donations and to shop your project shopping list!
Renovation tip of the week: If you are painting this weekend, make sure to shop at CJ where you will get an amazing price on Amazon Environmental recycled content paint (e.g., 5-gal. flat $54.75), as well as brushes, rollers, paint tray/roller kits, painter’s tape, small & large paint mixer drill attachments, tarps – all you need to get the job done. All these purchases support CJ’s reuse mission. Paint with a purpose!