Greetings Reuse Fans!
It’s hot, it’s really hot. I would like to extend a personal thank you to all of our shoppers, donors, and especially CJ’s dedicated staff for continuing to perform admirably in the extreme heat of CJ’s 100 year old warehouse. Our CJ goodwill trainees also process all of our donations of doors and tile in the same heat that you shop in. Our staff is being powered by popsicles!
So the next time you are in CJ shopping and braving the heat, give our staff a “pat on the back” or an encouraging word about how much you appreciate the hard work we do 7 days a week in all kinds of weather! Even the Post Office can’t say that!
Lots of commercial kitchen equipment currently in stock. We have a variety of recently arrived kitchen sets available as well as a wide variety of hanging light fixtures.
Thanks for your support!
Mike Gable
Executive Director