Greetings Reuse Fans,
We have been spreading the building material reuse love lately!
So at the beginning of the week, I was honored to be invited to participate in a Deconstruction Think Tank in San Antonio Tx! This was a discussion of representatives from reuse operations (in addition to CJ) that included Seattle (Second Use) and Berkley (Urban Ore), as well as a representative for City of Portland who oversees Portland’s first-in-the-nation Deconstruction ordinance, and one of Portland’s certified deconstruction contractors.
The City of San Antonio’s Office of Historic Preservation hosted the event as they are organizing discussion about how to promote deconstruction as a means to access more vintage house parts for existing home renovation. We will keep you posted on their progress.
At little closer to home, Missy, CJ COO/GM, met with a group of folks from DON Services, who are working to develop a Construction Junction-type facility in New Castle PA. We first met them when they were able to donate a powered wheelchair to increase mobility for a staff member to use while working in the store. Tom Franz, Director of Community Reclamation Programs for DON services toured our facility along with a member of his development staff and tech support. They were getting a full demonstration of Reuse Retail, our mobile app/inventory/POS system. We will be working with them as they build their capacity to divert and reuse building material waste!
And finally I will be on a conference call today with Metabolic, a company in the Netherlands that focuses on circular economy solutions for the construction industry and were recently in the news for the creation of an Upcycling Facility. More on this in future blogs!