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Make a donation to CJ in November, and you’ll receive a coupon card good for 10% off any purchase in the store.
This whole idea of waste reduction and material reuse is not possible without starting at the source. We have everyone who makes the responsible and sustainable choice to donate materials to thank for that. While you browse these latest featured finds, make sure to remember that it started with someone… an individual, a business, a contractor… who decided that they would #ChooseToReuse.
The revenue generated with the work of our staff to obtain and re-sell these items to shoppers, makers, DIY-ers and everyone who is looking for something they need, in turn allows us to grow our circle of donors and build an efficient, productive operation for the future.
All this month, we’re making sure to say thanks to our donors with a little extra something.
Learn More About Becoming A Material Donor
Find Out What Kinds Of Items We Are Interested In
Learn About Our Deconstruction Program
Fill Out An Online Donation Form Today
or call 412.243.5025 ext. 10 today to speak to a member of our donations team!
Let’s keep that cycle churning on.
Thanks everyone!