Greetings Reuse Fans,
We’re are very excited to have had a tremendous recent surge in donations! Our two truck crews have been super busy and the upcoming pick up schedule has some great stuff coming in. Keep your eye on our Inventory page, or better still stop by often. We thank you all for your commitment to reuse as donors and shoppers!
Our organizational commitment extends beyond the walls of our own operation. We have a keen interest in learning from and assisting other reuse organizations around the country. We just received a generous grant from BNY Mellon Foundation to continue to develop our inventory system (a.k.a. Reuse Retail) so that we can make some critical improvements and package it up for easy use by other reuse organizations.
I recently joined the Board of Directors of the Building Material Reuse Organization (BMRA), and I will be attending a retreat this weekend at the their offices in Chicago where we will explore ways to strengthen the organization’s membership and make some decisions concerning the most important services the BMRA can provide to operations like CJ all around the country.
At the end of the month I will be heading to Baltimore with our Deconstruction Manager to visit the most successful deconstruction job training project in the country, called Details. Details is a social enterprise of a nonprofit social services organization known as Humanim. They have an innovative partnership with the city of Baltimore to deconstruct condemned properties. In addition, Details does work for private sector clients. I’m excited to learn about their success, and look forward to bringing “lessons learned” back to Pittsburgh.
Reuse – it’s why we do what we do, and we couldn’t do it without you!
Mike Gable
Executive Director