Greetings Reuse Fans,
CJ is a proud member of the Building Material Reuse Association (BMRA). The BMRA is in the process of changing its name to simply “Build Reuse” because we want to expand public/professional involvement in our efforts to keep building material out of the waste stream, and also to shine a bright light on the social and economic benefits reuse centers are bringing to communities across the country.
You have an opportunity to support that effort and view it first hand by participating in Build Reuse as a member, supporter or by attending/sponsoring the organization’s annual Deconstruction and Reuse conference to be held in Pittsburgh at the end of October at Phipps!
We are developing our speakers and conference presentations as you read this. Thus far confirmed Keynote speakers at DRC19 are:
Francesca Russello Ammon, author of Bulldozer: Demolition and Clearance of the Postwar Landscape.
Elma Durmisevic of 4D Architects in Amsterdam and Research Leader of BAMB (Buildings as Material Banks) Reversible Building Design, an EU Horizon 2020 project enabling a systemic shift to a circular building sector, with 15 partners in 7 countries working together.
Our goal is to build reuse communities through this conference. We need your participation and your ideas to make reuse a social, economic and environmental priority.
One final note to pass along, Garden Dreams Urban Farm and Nursery in Wilkinsburg is open today, Saturday and Sunday for seedling sales. The operation is restructuring so this will be the only weekend you can buy seedlings at the farm! Don’t miss this opportunity to support a genuine community rooted business.