Welp, here we are. It’s Father’s Day weekend. We’ll be honest… it’s been a long week. We have been busy, busy, busy around the Junction. Seems fitting, though, as the well of fatherly tropes about hard work, sleeve-rolling-up, gumption, and giving someone reasons to cry is certainly a deep one. Anyway, if you’re searching for some gift ideas for dear old dad, there is a lot of stuff to check out in the store. There’s neat old steamer trunks, gardening and painting supplies, lots of potential project pieces, you can even sometimes find cool old tools strewn in the hardware bins. We also have Big Pour tees and hats. Does it feel like I’m stalling? I’m stalling. Alright, look. Let’s just get to it: we didn’t get anything added to the website this week. There. These things happen. I mean, we put a few things up. Including a major haul of University Loft dressers, always a favorite and one of our major donations! We’ll be busy unloading trailers of dorm furniture for the next week or so, and we will be getting many more of the dressers, wardrobes, bed frames & desks added soon. So keep an eye out! In the meantime, here’s some of the things you may have previously overlooked. It’s the 20 oldest items on the Featured Items page! Lots of reduced prices to see, plus a few oldies but goodies that are still in search of a new home. And just like your pop, they might be old, but don’t let anyone tell you they still aren’t useful!